Sunday, January 13, 2013

First post!

I've decided to start a blog! Partly for a school assignment, partly because I have always wanted to. The school assignment aspect of this is forcing me to so I'm going to give it all I've got.

It's a new year! We are nearly 2 full weeks into the year 2013. Any resolutions? I have made two for myself. 1) I will exercise at least 4 times per week. 2) I will keep a journal. I decided on the first resolution after watching Dr. Oz while I was sick one day and hearing we should exercise 30 minutes every day to stay healthy. I do not exercise anywhere near 30 minutes per day so I figured I would start and start small. I think that is the key to keeping resolutions! As I learned from a behavior modification project, it's difficult to make enormous changes to your routine, so don't try to over-do it by jumping in head first. Get your feet wet, test the temperature of the water, and make adjustments as necessary. The second resolution is going well and I do not plan to journal everyday but I would like to look back on 2013 and remember it in better detail than I feel I remembered 2012.

Here is my journal. I bought it for 50% off at Target. It has a ribbon, which I love, to mark my last entry. It's turquoise, another thing I love, and it has silver page edges, which you can't tell from any of the pictures I took but it is my favorite.

As you can see from the picture, I titled my journal Peaks, Pits, Praises and Prayers. I can't remember where I got this idea but I definitely took it from somewhere and wish I could remember to give credit but my brain forgets. It's pretty self-explanatory but I will elaborate. Peaks are the high points of the day, the best part, something exciting, details worth remembering. Pits are the downfalls of the day and writing them down offers an opportunity to learn from mistakes, so when I write down my pit, I write down how I could avoid it, or have a do-over. Praises are the moments, things, people you were thankful for on a given day. Prayers, finally, are wishes, hopes and dreams. When I write my Prayers I have been writing what I am thankful for or what I would like to ask God to help me with.

Whew! That's my first of more entries to come. Thanks for reading! <3

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